Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Our Safety In Peril

Our military has been sold out by our government.  When Regan was President of the United States he spent big on our military and since then our might has been seen and felt around the world.  Some have been thankful for our support and some have hated us for it.  Regardless of how you feel, this country has made the world a safer place to live.

Without any doubt, the defense funds over the last 30 years have been huge.  One website, seen here in parenthesis ( http://www.globalissues.org/article/75/world-military-spending#USMilitarySpending ), claims that our country has spent 43% of all the money spent on military by all the countries in the world.  From my research I have conducted over the months this seems about spot on.  And rightfully so.  Is there anyone else out there trying to keep as many people as safe as possible?

While the United States has spent what seems to be an atrocious amount on defense none of us have suffered at home for it.  If any spending has hurt us domestically its the poorly handled issue of the housing market and the bailouts of "too big to fail" businesses.  NOT the defense budget.  So why are we cutting from the defense budget at least HALF of the $1,200,000,000,000.00 (thats 600 BILLION DOLLARS) the automatic sequestering caused by the EPIC FAIL of the "sub-par" committee assigned to find the same amount of money in cuts?  Why does this sequestration not involve cuts to spending on dead ends like Solyndra, orFannie and Freddie?  And if President Obama is a true patriot why does he vow to veto any acts of Congress to stop the automatic cuts to our military ( http://www.military.com/news/article/2011/obama-promises-veto-to-maintain-dod-cuts-pressure.html )?

I don't think I'm a conspiracy theorist.  I think I am reasonable, at least most of the time.  However, it seems as though there is a grand scheme to dismantle the United States as a "world superpower".

While we have spent more money on our defense then most countries combined, earlier this year Russia announced that it was spending $600 BILLION to "revamp" its military, the same amount of money we are cutting over the next ten years (at LEAST the same amount).  Here are some links proving this: http://rt.com/news/military-budget-russia-2020/      http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-forum/73510-russia-modernize-army-600-billion-till-2020-a.html      http://www.military.com/news/article/russia-to-purchase-600-planes-100-ships.html. )

Earlier, this summer, a "Super Committee" made of 6 Republican congressman and 6 Democrat congressman, is formed to solve 1.2 trillion dollars in spending cuts.  Should they fail, 1.2 trillion will be automatically cut from government spending, of which, as I have already established, half is cuts in defense.  Everyone, even Bill O'reilly, trusted the "Super Committee" would accomplish this.  No one ever seem concerned.  But, as midnight of November 23rd loomed, the Committee's deadline, people began showing concern.  And then the bell tolled.  The Committee announced there EPIC FAILURE.

While I had not begun to pay attention towards the "Super Committee" til the last week or so one thing stuck out in my mind, "How many congressman and women are there?"  That question should be in everyone's mind.  Why?  Because there are 435 (plus another 100 in senate).  That's right, 435.  SO, WHY WERE ONLY 12 APPOINTED TO SOLVE 1.2 TRILLION IN CUTS???????????  It seems to me that the more thinkers you have the better ideas would evolve.

I won't get involved in the particulars as to why they couldn't reach a deal, but the other thing poking my minds eye with a hot needle is the fact that the Republicans are so bent on refusing a raise in taxes they were willing to jeopardize our defense!

To continue with my conspiracy theory; after Russia's massive military budget increase and the "Super Committee's" failure, resulting in what former Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, says could be "catestrophic" defense cuts, the very same week Russia finds the gull to threaten the Unites States Missile Defense program in Europe with actual military ATTACKS.  They might as well declare war if they kill US service men.

With the rise of the new body wash, Arab Spring, the developments mentioned above (Russian military spending, U.S. military amputation of funds, Russian threats, etc), Iran very possibly and probably building nuclear weapons, and more nations turning against our most reliable ally, Israel (I don't care what you think, Israel IS our most reliable and, if you read the Bible, our most important ally) it DOES NOT seem the right time to cut spending AT ALL!.

Adding to all of this, our government can't even honor our servicemen with a descent life.

I fully support drawing out of Afghanistan and Iraq.  However, if we are going to withdraw then lets do it right.  Instead, the government is practically throwing people out on the streets after bringing them home or cancelling deployment orders.  As this link shows ( http://news.yahoo.com/war-drawdowns-wreak-havoc-guard-soldiers-lives-082140985.html ) many of our National Guardsmen and Reservists are SOL.

Those who have cancelled plans to enroll in another semester at college because they had orders for deployment and then were told their orders were cancelled or changed to a stateside location are now with at least one wasted semester.  The soldiers who left their jobs because they were going to Iraq or Afghanistan and now are staying home after months of training are now without jobs, that is if their employers don't take them back.  Soldiers who ended lease agreements with landlords are homeless now...and so on.  

This is a disgrace.  There is no class in our government.  HONOR OUR MILITARY SERVICEMEN WASHINGTON!!!!  They were obviously willing to lay there lives down for this country and whatever cause our government sent them overseas for, whether the individual believed in that cause or not, and now the government is discarding them.