Saturday, July 23, 2011

Celebrities, social views, and remembering to LOVE

I find myself attached to certain characters in television shows.  When I become interested in a show I take time to watch it.  If I find that the show connects with me on a level of my interests, then I invest in the characters.  When I invest in the characters, caring about what happens to them in the story, I also find myself feeling highly of the actor playing that character.  When I feel highly of the actor I tend to follow them on Twitter, follow them in the world of television and movies, and favor them over other celebrities.  They actually gain an emotional place in my heart.  I begin to pray for them and care about them in real life.  Even if I do not know someone I can feel compassion for them and feel the need to pray for that person.

As you can see, a simple television show can result in the intercession of a complete stranger.  I develop a bias for these actors even when I do not know what kind of personal life they lead.  When I find them speaking things in favor of blatant sin and social liberalism it saddens me, and more so than I feel it should, being that they are a stranger.  However, in looking at the issue deeper, I find that the affect on me caused by their beliefs, which go against all I believe, don't stop at the actual person/actor, but in fact, reflects back to their character and when I return to that tv show or movie I find myself disconnected with is more difficult to enjoy the show. 

An example of what I mean is this:  I am a Stargate fan.  At first I wasn't, but I like scifi, so I gave Stargate SG1 a whirl.  Then, just as described above, began an attachment that eventually led to my research of the actors playing the characters I grew fond of.

Richard Dean Anderson (some know him as MacGyver...don't know if I spelled that right) played Lieutenant General Jack O'neal.  The show started out with Anderson's character, Oneal, as a Colonel.  As all TEN seasons (thats right I watched all two months...not including watching all of the seasons of Stargate Atlantis) progressed, those of us who enjoyed Stargate SG1 witnessed our beloved Colonel O'neal promoted to Brigadier General, then to Major General, and then later on to Lieutenant General.  We saw our little Jack grow up and in doing so became attached to Anderson's character.

General O'neal was a grouchy, comical, morally conservative man.  A man who brought balance to the mild liberalism brought to the table by Michael Shanks' character, Doctor Jackson.  When someone was threatening the life of an SG1 personnel, Doctor Jackson would want to assess the situation with an open mind, but our beloved General O'neal expressed his understanding of the importance of human life over anything else and was willing to end the conflict and save life, by force if need be.  And during the times when he didn't have to be so abrupt and serious, the General would bring us comedy in a way so unique it still hasn't been duplicated....and in reality, this was all done by the talent of Richard Dean Anderson.

After allowing General O'neal to grow on me, I wanted to see the man behind the Stargate character succeed in real life.  I wanted him to be a child of God, one who loves God....I actually cared about a complete stranger.  So, I researched Richard Dean Anderson.

I found out what he was about, what he believed in, what active roles in real life (activism, religion, politics) he was involved in.  I found him on Twitter and began to follow him.  Shortly after following Anderson on Twitter he made a liberal comment, to which I thought the words, "To each his own."  But, later a comment in support of New York passing the law allowing same sex marriage, and yesterday, two different slams on Congress Majority Leader John Boehner, who is a conservative Republican.  It was obvious to me that Anderson was a typical liberal celebrity.  I feared that he may be one of those actors who has let the security of money get in the way of what is really important, but I don't know him.  He may truly have deep hearted beliefs in his statements.

It pains me, in my heart, to find that someone I wanted to be as they had portrayed for more than ten years in three different television series and two movies (dvd/tv movies) was totally different.  A mildly conservative caring and funny role model in front of the camera and behind it, in the real world, a seemingly misguided, outspoken liberal person, in favor of sinful social laws, a controlling government, and probably not a Christian.  (A fact I want to commend Anderson for is his support of the protection of nature and wildlife.  I am a huge nature lover and I believe we have the responsibility to treat that which God has blessed us with care and accountability.  So for that I say well done Mr. Anderson.)

Many ceebrities are liberal people.  They don't seem to be in reality.  They speak out against conservative ideas and support causes in a way that screams ignorance.  Are they just blissfully ignorant because they can afford to be or do they honestly believe the garbage that the leftist politics they follow feed them?

One example is tax hikes on the rich.  These liberal celebrities are rich themselves, but most are not employers of the middle class.  It stands to reason that being rich without having to pay for anyone but yourself and maybe your family affords someone the ignorance to support paying more taxes then their fair share, which they are already doing.  But for those "rich" who own businesses and have to worry about others, its not as easy.  Celebrities who say, "I admit, I am rich, but I support raising taxes on the top 2% because I am there with them, and I can tell you that it won't hurt us top two per-centers."  Well, I ask them this:  "Are you aware that the small business owner is considered a top per-center because his BUSINESS makes enough to be in that category?  Did you know that this same small business owner, who's company may make a million a year, only takes home about 50,000 dollars for himself?  Are you a small business owner, do you have to worry about the income needs of others, or the costs of supplies?"  This is one example, I will not get into others.

As I was waking up this morning, I realized something.  If I do not have love when I voice my opinion or try to have others view things as I do, even if it is not to turn them, but only to open them up to the whole spectrum of life, then I have become a noise making machine.  All anyone hears when someone without love rants is rantings.  So, I must remember to have LOVE.  Remember to love one another and preach, profess your beliefs, and debate in LOVE.  If you do not, it will be a difficult, long winded debate and in the end you will walk away with frustration, never have been convincing or touching the heart of anyone.

I don't believe I chose my conservatism, meaning, that I cannot find when I made the choice to be a conservative.  It just happened that way.  I use to be a liberal, or a mild liberal.  I use to think abortion was acceptable because its the woman's body, the government should give me more!!!! get the picture.  As I grew older and more mature and began to get serious about life.  My views and what my heart felt changed...or perhaps what was already in my heart was revealed, once the layers of misguided social views had crumbled off.  I can no longer to afford not being serious in life and to just act on what feels good.

With all this liberal vs conservative talk I feel I am losing focus of what is the real importance in life.  Actually, in the last five paragraphs the most important thing has not even been in my head.  It doesn't matter if I am liberal, a hippie, a Democrat, a Republican, or a conservative if I don't have God.  Believe whatever politics ore social view you want...but at least love God.  In the end that is ALL that matters....this is a fact.  

One final thought.  I asked myself, "Why did you write this post for your blog?  Out of anger and resentment for those who have strange beliefs, because you are angry that celebrities let the security they feel allow themselves to be motivated by superficial reasons?"  I realized the answer:  I do feel anger towards people who let financial security guide them in morality, I do feel anger towards the idea that people are letting themselves be ignorant to the entire truth...but most importantly the reason I write things like this is because I CARE ABOUT PEOPLE!  I am truly distraught within my heart when I know people are doing and believing things that, in my center, I know are wrong.  But more importantly, I fear for them and mourn when I am certain God is not a part of their makes me very sad.

While I have been a noisy symbol in my past blogs due to a lack of love, I will remember not to be in the future...or it will be a waste of my time.  I pray for you who have read this....BE BLESSED!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What do you think of Harry Potter?

Recently, on Facebook, I discussed with my favorite author, a Christian fantasy novelist, the pros and cons of Harry Potter.  He had posted something written by a Christian that was in favor of the books.  I immediately responded with a hostile tone with my belief that Harry Potter is evil and blatant witchcraft.

Over the course of a night there were about 30 comments, back and forth, to and from.  Many people participated, I was the only person against Harry Potter.  As far as I could tell, most of the people in the conversation were Christians.

They argued that Harry Potter is just a fantasy tale, the witchcraft described in the books is not the same witchcraft in the Bible, Rowlling's is a Christian herself, there are themes that teach Biblical principles to children in the books, etc.  Tried as I might I could not bring myself to the side of seeing Harry Potter as benign or good.  Perhaps, I was halted from doing so by my bias against the books.

My argument was that whether or not the witchcraft in the Harry Potter books was the same witchcraft in the Bible, children would not know the difference if they were not properly told.  I argued that God can use anything, but just because a Godly or Biblical principle is portrayed in the books, the books teach how to love, forgive, or lay down your life for someone, it doesn't justify the use of witchcraft.

One person said that it could be argued that things in Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, and even his own books could be evil if Harry Potter was evil.  I acknowledged there are things in stories I enjoy which contain things I don't agree with, things I label as evil.  An example is the mind melding in Star Trek.  In some of the stories and movies I enjoy there are mythological gods with powers.  I know that there is only one God.  My faith is not challenged by any of the things I enjoy and I know the truth, so I don't feel I am in danger. 

However, I am willing to admit this: I have no certainty that some of the things I enjoy are harmless.  In some cases I am exposed to hours of different religions and therefore it could be harmful, for all I know.  Because my faith does not waiver and I do not feel challenged I don't think I am in danger, but I am willingly to accept God's correction.  That is what I ask of Harry Potter fans.  If you feel those books are okay, then at least be willing to question it, admit that you don't have absolute certainty, and be willing for God's correction.

(7/21/2011)  I have decided to add more to this blog.  Here is an example I can use from my own life to help make my case.

I enjoy Avatar, an anime tv series that was aired on Nikelodeon.  The show is about a world consisting of four major nations, each nation dedicated to one of the four elements of nature.  About 1 in 4 people from each nation are known as benders and have the ability to bend one of the elements to their whim using a series of martial arts techniques.  The Avatar (a young boy named Aang) is a messiah like figure who has the ability to bend all four of the elements, each one he must learn.  The Avatar is a reincarnated being able to speak to his past lives for help when he needs too.  He is considered the bridge between our would and the spirit world.

This show is loaded with Eastern religion, reincarnation, multiple paths to enlightenment, etc.  All of it points to the betterment of oneself.  There are many lessons that teach self sacrifice, the giving of one's life for another, praying and finding peace for your enemies, choosing the path of meekness and peace, and there can be parallels drawn between Avatar and Jesus.  It can be argued that Avatar is the representation of Christ, each one of the abilities to bend an element is a gift from God and whether we choose to use it out of love or evil is a lesson that can be interrpreted throughout this series.

However, anything can be used by God to reach someone.  But, I am certain Avatar was not purposed by its creators as that.  We can find a good teaching in a lot of things, especially when we want to and in many cases it IS their to be found.  But, I am not going to justify the use of false religions and gods as a means of teaching something good just because it DOES teach something good.  The false religions is bad and that is that.  Just as there are things about other stories I enjoy that are wrong, there is no justifying the use of those things.  Let us admit when we are wrong and when we are right.

Some scriptures to consider:

Deuteronomy 18:10-14
"10 There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, 11 or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. 12 For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD; and because of these detestable things the LORD your God will drive them out before you. 13 You shall be [a]blameless before the LORD your God. 14 For those nations, which you shall dispossess, listen to those who practice witchcraft and to diviners, but as for you, the LORD your God has not allowed you to do so".

Leviticus 19:31

New American Standard Bible (NASB)
 31 ‘Do not turn to [a]mediums or spiritists; do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God."

Ephesians 5:11
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them."