Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Why I don't like Twilight.

When I was younger, a teenager, I too was infatuated with vampires and things of that nature.  I remember being so wrapped up in vampire movies, how I found (or thought I found) nobility in their sacrifice, and the idea that they had to live in eternal hunger and satisfy that hunger.  I thought it was great that they were stronger than real life and I really liked those vampires that could go out in the sun.

Now that I am older my mind and my soul and my heart has changed dramatically.  I still enjoy many of the same things, such as fantasy ideas of elves and such, but I have completely changed my mind on things that feel evil, on things that, regardless of what everyone tells themselves, they know have an evil aspect.

What has changed?  Is it just that I have grown older?  No, of course not.  I am a Christian and as my spiritual knowledge has increased and I have become closer to God (loving Him more, understanding His truth more, understanding how passionate He is for me) I have had a change of mind and heart towards things.

Why do I dislike Twilight?  To me vampires have come to represent an attitude of reckless abandon towards lust and earthly desires.  Recently, another aspect has come to my attention.  Vampires are the exact opposite of Jesus.

Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins, shedding His blood, for all of us who receive Him to have eternal life.  However, vampires selfishly feed on the blood of others to satisfy there own selfish agenda of eternal life and for those who want eternal life (Kristen Stewarts character) they have to sacfrice their own blood to do so.

This is an exact opposite of Jesus serving as an atonment for our sins and its vile.

So lets talk about Twilight.  I have a lot of Christian friends who like this series.  I think its sick and a little strange of them.

((((Before I continue I warn you this may be offensive to some, even to some of my friends, who have different spiritual beliefs than mine.  I apologize to any offense caused.  Regardless of your beliefs I love you still!!!!)))

First of all, Twilight was created by a Mormon, whose name escapes me at the moment and I don't care about the author's name.  If you read the books you know it.  Let's review, shortly, where the origins of Mormonism comes from.

Joesph Smith, the original Mormon and the founder of the religion claims he was visited by an angel named Moroni, who gave him the whole idea, but the Bible...the WORD of GOD!!!!!...says in Galatians 1:8, "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed."   So, even if an actual angel appeared to Smith with claims that a gospel, different than that found in the Bible is truth, than they are cursed.  So clearly Mormonism's ENTIRE origin completely reveals its own lie!!!!  Some Christians seem to think that because the author of Twilight claims to be a Christian than the whole series is justified.

And lets not forget the side note that you have a 108 year old dude lusting, uncontrollably, after a 17 year old girl.  Why is this okay...because the ancient 108 year old LOOKS young?

Listen, I don't believe God is angry with you if you like these things.  In fact, I KNOW He is not.  His grace is beyond comprehension.  However, does this justify the obsession with vampires and other ideas that are so obviously against the truth of God?

There is no way to eternal life but by God...and there is no way to the Father but by Jesus.  Jesus shed His precious blood to end ALL sacrifices, as an atonement for the sins of man.  If we receive this truth then we are granted eternal life.  This is the ONLY way.  But stories about vampires feed off the naivity of young girls.  They attempt to identify themselves in these shallow, temporary,solutions as an alternative from the truth when they should be focusing on Jesus and HIS truth.

I don't think watching Twilight will steal your salvation, if you are saved.  I don't believe it will keep you out of Heaven.  I don't believe it will keep you from becoming saved.  Salvation is based on the acceptance and  confession that JESUS is the son of God and that He died for our sins.  However, I do believe it will hinder your spiritual growth.

Phillipians 4:8 says, "...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

The Bible also says to be Spirit led and to not be like the world.  Romans 12:2 says "2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."  

As I researched this topic I found scripture after scripture about being of a God like mind, seeking the knowledge of God, etc.  There is an abundance of Biblical scriptures that speak about this.

So, just think about it longer than a minute.... Is twilight, are vampires okay by God?  IS this helping or hindering my spiritual growth?  And if you have a young daughter do you think its doing any good for her?  Is she more interested in Twilight than in the Truth...than in the absolute AWESOME of Jesus?  

1 comment:

  1. PS If you want to know why I don't believe Mormonism is Christianity please ask.
