Thursday, November 1, 2012

What will happen in an Obama 2nd term?  A lot...ALL BAD!

His policies will increase taxes on all people.
He will use a UN treaty to limit our 2nd Amendment.
He will destroy our relation with Israel.
He will ruin our military a world that is increasingly arming themselves.
His EPA will destroy our chance at energy independence.

The president said that he wants to build America from the ground up.  His rhetoric speaks of "hope", "change", and "Forward".  Forward...right off an economic cliff.  He is moving this country forward, changing it with th hope of it being a wellfare nation.  A nation in which a vast majority of it's public is  dependant on the government because there is no choice for those of us who are not wealthy.

We have all heard the President speak his rhetoric and few still know exactly what it is that he is saying.  He is a vague man.  He wants the rich to "pay their fair share" (a cliche that makes my stomach hurt because I'e heard it so much) but beyond that all we know is that he wants universal health care.  There is no clear statement (not one I can find) that Obama has made on his plans for the future of America.  Wait, one time he did say to the Russian that "After my election I'll have more leway."  That scares me badly considering the past two years of Russian changes.

If Obama is re-elected he will push this nation out of the top ranking of the world and make it more like Europe.  Obama has shown signs of anticolonialism and all of the things he is doing seems to point towards this idea for his restructuring of America.  He said himself, he wants to "rebuild this country from the ground up."  To rebuild something you HAVE to tear it down first.  He is doing that.

He has implemented Obamacare which will force millions and millions of Americans on government assistance and raise the premiums of those wealthy enough to stay on there current insurance.  The individual mandate of Obamacare was ruled by the Supreme Court as a tax on the American people (The only way it could have sayed constitutional).  Therefore Obamacare by itself will be judged as one of the highest tax increases in recent history.  Then you add the end of the Bush era tax cuts.  Altogether Obama will have raised taxes on the American people (in his second term) more than anyone in the past THREE DECADES!!!  This will cause an economic panic and another recession and the continuing spiralling down of the American economy.

Obama has proven to be  against domestic production of oil, natural gas.  He is only infavor of domestic "green" energy...of which there is now no form of harnessing our renewable resources that make it worth any effort.

He will downgrade our military with his budget cuts in a world that is increasingly arming themselves.  Russia spent 600 billion dollars on ther military and in the same year threatened our Poland missile defense sights and in the same year announced that they have a new 100 ton ICBM.

Obama has shown his disdain for Israel while maintaining the lie that he supports her.  A lie that is easily identified by what he DOES, not what he says!

If Obama is re-elected I believe it is only because things have to get worse for the world (not those of us who are children of God) before Jesus returns.  I believe that if Obama is re-elected it will be the dounwfall of the United States, Israels largest and most powerful allly and set into motion events of the book of Revelation.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Why I don't like Twilight.

When I was younger, a teenager, I too was infatuated with vampires and things of that nature.  I remember being so wrapped up in vampire movies, how I found (or thought I found) nobility in their sacrifice, and the idea that they had to live in eternal hunger and satisfy that hunger.  I thought it was great that they were stronger than real life and I really liked those vampires that could go out in the sun.

Now that I am older my mind and my soul and my heart has changed dramatically.  I still enjoy many of the same things, such as fantasy ideas of elves and such, but I have completely changed my mind on things that feel evil, on things that, regardless of what everyone tells themselves, they know have an evil aspect.

What has changed?  Is it just that I have grown older?  No, of course not.  I am a Christian and as my spiritual knowledge has increased and I have become closer to God (loving Him more, understanding His truth more, understanding how passionate He is for me) I have had a change of mind and heart towards things.

Why do I dislike Twilight?  To me vampires have come to represent an attitude of reckless abandon towards lust and earthly desires.  Recently, another aspect has come to my attention.  Vampires are the exact opposite of Jesus.

Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins, shedding His blood, for all of us who receive Him to have eternal life.  However, vampires selfishly feed on the blood of others to satisfy there own selfish agenda of eternal life and for those who want eternal life (Kristen Stewarts character) they have to sacfrice their own blood to do so.

This is an exact opposite of Jesus serving as an atonment for our sins and its vile.

So lets talk about Twilight.  I have a lot of Christian friends who like this series.  I think its sick and a little strange of them.

((((Before I continue I warn you this may be offensive to some, even to some of my friends, who have different spiritual beliefs than mine.  I apologize to any offense caused.  Regardless of your beliefs I love you still!!!!)))

First of all, Twilight was created by a Mormon, whose name escapes me at the moment and I don't care about the author's name.  If you read the books you know it.  Let's review, shortly, where the origins of Mormonism comes from.

Joesph Smith, the original Mormon and the founder of the religion claims he was visited by an angel named Moroni, who gave him the whole idea, but the Bible...the WORD of GOD!!!!!...says in Galatians 1:8, "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed."   So, even if an actual angel appeared to Smith with claims that a gospel, different than that found in the Bible is truth, than they are cursed.  So clearly Mormonism's ENTIRE origin completely reveals its own lie!!!!  Some Christians seem to think that because the author of Twilight claims to be a Christian than the whole series is justified.

And lets not forget the side note that you have a 108 year old dude lusting, uncontrollably, after a 17 year old girl.  Why is this okay...because the ancient 108 year old LOOKS young?

Listen, I don't believe God is angry with you if you like these things.  In fact, I KNOW He is not.  His grace is beyond comprehension.  However, does this justify the obsession with vampires and other ideas that are so obviously against the truth of God?

There is no way to eternal life but by God...and there is no way to the Father but by Jesus.  Jesus shed His precious blood to end ALL sacrifices, as an atonement for the sins of man.  If we receive this truth then we are granted eternal life.  This is the ONLY way.  But stories about vampires feed off the naivity of young girls.  They attempt to identify themselves in these shallow, temporary,solutions as an alternative from the truth when they should be focusing on Jesus and HIS truth.

I don't think watching Twilight will steal your salvation, if you are saved.  I don't believe it will keep you out of Heaven.  I don't believe it will keep you from becoming saved.  Salvation is based on the acceptance and  confession that JESUS is the son of God and that He died for our sins.  However, I do believe it will hinder your spiritual growth.

Phillipians 4:8 says, "...whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

The Bible also says to be Spirit led and to not be like the world.  Romans 12:2 says "2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."  

As I researched this topic I found scripture after scripture about being of a God like mind, seeking the knowledge of God, etc.  There is an abundance of Biblical scriptures that speak about this.

So, just think about it longer than a minute.... Is twilight, are vampires okay by God?  IS this helping or hindering my spiritual growth?  And if you have a young daughter do you think its doing any good for her?  Is she more interested in Twilight than in the Truth...than in the absolute AWESOME of Jesus?  

Friday, August 10, 2012

Why All The Tolerance Part 1

I have noticed a tolerance among the Christian community or rather those who claim to be Christian (I don't know the hearts of these people so they may or may not be saved) towards the sin of homosexuality.  I consider it a tolerance brought on by fear of persecution, fear of being labeled as a hater.

Over time I have become aware of people I once knew who have become homosexuals.  Some of these people I didn't know that well and some I were really close of them was a girl I dated...gross.  All of them have either grown up in a Christian environment or have attended church for a matter of years or both.  So, it puzzles me to find this out about them.  Add in someone else I went to church with who I knew was gay and the other people I know of who live the lifestyle and it becomes least for me.

I use to be VERY tolerant of homosexuality.  My best friend in college was gay.  I didn't know for certain at first, but it was obvious and he told me later.  He just happened to go to my church as well, so I know he had heard the Word of God.  During college we spent a lot of time together.  He was my best friend, I loved him dearly as though he was my brother.  For a short time we even shared an apartment together.

During my friendship with him I experienced being around his..."friends"... who of course were gay and as someone who was not into their lifestyle I had my share of annoyances.  Most of my friends were normal, and no I'm not going to bother to clarify what normal is for you obnoxious readers, so I had a "well rounded" group to hang out with.  For the most part we all respected each others beliefs and preferences, I wouldn't disrespect them and vise versa.  I learned a lot about there "culture" (do you have a better word for it?) and I saw my friend deal with relationships, heartbreak, etc.  Basically, all this to say I think I have a better understanding of gay people than some bias conservative who never had a gay friend.

Eventually, I cut ties with my friend.  I moved away after dealing with his lifestyle for far to long.  As I grew older my relationship with God grew, my understanding of the Word of God grew, and I became less and less tolerant of sin.

That brings us to present day.  I don't have anymore gay friends.  Not because I have purposely avoided them, but because as I have grown closer to Jesus I have found myself surrounded by people who also have a relationship with God....and gay people don't tend to be found there.  As my relationship with God grew my intolerance of sin did as well.

As I was saying, I have noticed a certain kind of tolerant attitude towards homosexuality, sometimes it could be an avoidance of condemning the sin for fear of offending the sinner and sometimes it is out right wrong advice like, "God made you this way, don't be afraid to explore who you are."  The ladder makes me cringe.  (my next blog will tell you why)

I ask myself, "why is this happening?"  I think its because people are either afraid to offend people, afraid of being persecuted for having beliefs that don't conform to the world, out right ignorance of the scriptures, and wrong belief.  I'm going to tackle each one of these.

Of course you don't want to go out and start shouting at people and picket outside the gay bars and throw rocks at them.  That's stupid and would drive them away from God.  I am talking about spreading the truth about things out of LOVE.  Because you love God and you love the people you are trying to help

God NEVER put the possibility of offending someone over teaching the truth.  Jesus offended people all the time.  OR don't you remember them CRUCIFYING him????!!!  If offending someone is all I have to fear from telling them the truth that could save their eternal lives then I'm going to offend away!

Oh, but wait.  If I say something like, "being gay is wrong." then I might be made to look like the bad guy, like I'm spreading hate.  The truth is you probably will be persecuted when saying this to people who don't want to hear it.  They will say you are spreading hate, but it is hateful for you NOT to try and help someone out of sin....but make sure you are doing it in love.

As for the person who is ignorant of the truth, who actually thinks that because God loves everyone He doesn't care if they are gay...I say to that person, "You do NOT know the Scriptures."  Here are a few scriptures on the subject, Genesis 19:1-13 ; Leviticus 18:22 ; 20:13 ; Romans 1:24-27 ; 1 Corinthians 6:9.

In this blog I won't be going over the details of WHY homosexuality is wrong...that's for the next blog. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Clean Energy?

The production of normal light bulbs will cease soon...or already have.  So, we will be forced to stock up on what is in the stores or switch to CFL Bulbs...which save a lot of energy compared.

The pros and cons seem obvious.  The old bulbs are a dime a dozen and the new bulbs are 2 to 5 dollars or more a piece.  However, CFLs do run about six times as efficient as old 60 watt bulbs.

When you break an old bulb you're like, "Oh, darn it.  I broke a bulb.  Then you get out the broom, maybe some tape to pick up broken pieces and throw it away.  When you break a CFL bulb......well, here is what you are suppose to do:

  1. Put on rubber, nitrile or latex gloves.
  2. If there are any broken pieces of glass or sharp objects, pick them up with care. Place all broken objects on a paper towel. Fold the paper towel and place in a zip lock bag. Secure the bag and label it as directed by your local health or fire department.
  3. Locate visible mercury beads. Use a squeegee or cardboard to gather mercury beads. Use slow sweeping motions to keep mercury from becoming uncontrollable. Take a flashlight, hold it at a low angle close to the floor in a darkened room and look for additional glistening beads of mercury that may be sticking to the surface or in small cracked areas of the surface. Note: Mercury can move surprising distances on hard-flat surfaces, so be sure to inspect the entire room when "searching."
  4. Use the eyedropper to collect or draw up the mercury beads. Slowly and carefully squeeze mercury onto a damp paper towel. Place the paper towel in a zip lock bag and secure. Make sure to label the bag as directed by your local health or fire department.
  5. After you remove larger beads, put shaving cream on top of small paint brush and gently "dot" the affected area to pick up smaller hard-to-see beads. Alternatively, use duct tape to collect smaller hard-to-see beads. Place the paint brush or duct tape in a zip lock bag and secure. Make sure to label the bag as directed by your local health or fire department.
  6.  OPTIONAL STEP: It is OPTIONAL to use commercially available powdered sulfur to absorb the beads that are too small to see. The sulfur does two things: (1) it makes the mercury easier to see since there may be a color change from yellow to brown and (2) it binds the mercury so that it can be easily removed and suppresses the vapor of any missing mercury. Where to get commercialized sulfur? It may be supplied as mercury vapor absorbent in mercury spill kits, which can be purchased from laboratory, chemical supply and hazardous materials response supply manufacturers.
    Note: Powdered sulfur may stain fabrics a dark color. When using powdered sulfur, do not breathe in the powder as it can be moderately toxic. Additionally, users should read and understand product information before use.
  7. If you choose not to use this option, you may want to request the services of a contractor who has monitoring equipment to screen for mercury vapors. Consult your local environmental or health agency to inquire about contractors in your area. Place all materials used with the cleanup, including gloves, in a trash bag. Place all mercury beads and objects into the trash bag. Secure trash bag and label it as directed by your local health or fire department.
  8. Contact your local health department, municipal waste authority or your local fire department for proper disposal in accordance with local, state and federal laws.
  9. Remember to keep the area well ventilated to the outside (i.e., windows open and fans in exterior windows running) for at least 24 hours after your successful cleanup. Continue to keep pets and children out of cleanup area. If sickness occurs, seek medical attention immediately. View information on health effects related to exposures to vapors from metallic mercury. For additional information on health effects, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) provides a Mercury Fact Sheet that also presents information on health effects related to exposures to vapors from metallic mercury.
Based on the comparison of CFL bulbs and our old bulbs it seems as though this can be equated to the comparison of nuclear energy with coal.  Nuclear energy is "clean" energy.  Very little if any pollution with nuclear plants.  They will provide energy for years while keeping our environment clean.  Coal will pollute our environment over those same years and spend our fossil fuels.  And coal plants can be dangerous.  All that coal dust is very combustible and has exploded in the past. however, the towns people near by will probably be alright.

Nuclear plants don't have coal dust, so the threat of coal dust explosions aren't there.  There is that problem with meltdowns though.  yeah.  If that happens because the cooling system shuts down it will do more than just harm the people near by.  The plant will explode...nuclear radiation leeks into the ground, the water, the air...spread for thousands of miles in the caught in rain clouds that will later rain down radioactive rain on another country on the other side of the world....the power plant will be forever useless, requiring thousands and thousands of tons of concrete and boron for encasing the reactor building....cause near by towns to evacuate becoming ghost towns (as was seen when Chernobyl melted)...and thousands of people will die up to decades later from the radiation.

Seems to me like all these new ideas for "clean" energy have more than a few cons in the "pros and cons" list. 

Pending War

What is going on in this world and why doesn't anyone seem to notice? 

It has been told for centuries that the world would turn against Israel.  I am still young and I have not lived through past conflicts Israel had to struggle against.  I  know what the Bible says though and never in my life (before 2010) have I realized, as much as I do now, how obvious the signs of the truth of which the Bible speaks are.

America is in danger too.  Or perhaps just America as we know it.  It sounds like a conspiracy theory,and I will try not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but the evidence is all around.  I believe things are set in action for another war...a war on a massive scale.  Now let me present my reasoning to you, backed up with factual resources.......

As a Christian I must point out again that the Bible says every country will turn against Israel, that there would be wars and rumors of war.  That being said, pay attention to the following:

-In early 2011 Russia announced to the world it would spend $600 BILLION dollars from 2011 to 2020 to revamp their military.

-A "super" committee was asigned the task to solve 1.2 TRILLION dollars in cuts and, should they fail the result would be sequestration, automatic cuts of which 600 billion dollars would be from American defense.

-Earlier in 2011 the Arab Spring began.  Egypt's new regime threatened to end the peace with Israel as the muslim brotherhood took over the country.

-The crisis and fighting among Israelis and Palestinians continues.

-In November of 2011 the "super" committee failed  to agree on a way to make cuts to the national budget and the sequestration began, threatening to cripple our military.

-Not three days after the possibility of at least 600 billion dollars being cut from our military does Russia threaten to destroy (yes, physical act of war) our European missile defense site.

-Recently Iran has told the world they are going to enrich uranium...and for what else but a bomb?

-In late December of 2011, Russia made the announcment that they will begin making a 100 ton ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile).  What a turn of irony, after threating our missile DEFENSE system.

- After the UN and America threatened to place an embargo on Iranian oil, making it difficult to make shipments of the oil, Iran threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz (of which most of the worlds oil distribution is shipped through) so that everyone suffers.

-This year, America has refused to move ships from the Strait of Hormuz despite Iran saying they will not tolerate US Navy ships in the strait.  America and other European countires have said that they will not let Iran have the bomb.  Because of these things it is being theorized and expected that a conflict may arise among Iran and the USA.  In reaction to this, Vladimir Putin, Russia's democratic communist, PLEDGES to finish Irans reactor and THREATENS to ALLY RUSSIA with IRAN, should a conflict develop,

These things tell me that there is something deeper at work in the world.  Its as if the world can't wait to war, making excuses trying to find a reason.  I don't get why Russia has to cause trouble for everyone and I don't know why they want Iran to finish there nuclear program.  Russia is known for its corruption.  Russian citizens protested because of voter fraud in their 2011 Presidential election.  In short, Russia's government still acts as crooked as the old USSR and Putin seems he would like to run it as such.

Iran has expressed a deep hatred for the west and Israel.  (Mainly, the United States of America and Israel)  How could any peace be developed with a country that hates us so.  They hate us because of Islam.  Islam, regardless of what peaceful muslims preach, is a violent, hateful religion.  As long as a government is run by a hateful set of beliefs they will never be at peace with anyone who opposes those beliefs.  They don't want peace, they want the world to be conformed.

While Christ wants us to strive to be as He is, which is a type of conformity, He does not want us killing those who will not conform.  I mention this in proactive defense should anyone reading this think to use my conformity to Christ belief against me.  Conformity is not bad if what you are conforming to is salvation and love.

One reason for such disdain towards America is for its policing of the world.  I don't agree with our troops being spread around the globe because it doesn't seem safe to spread thinly.  It seems the war in Iraq and Afghanistan were a waste of money, supplies, and lives.  The war in Iraq put Iran in a better position.  Before we wiped out Saddam Hussein's regime Iraq and Iran would feud over their beliefs.  They were of different sects of Islam in disagreement with one another and showed it violently.  Because of our involvement the world has lost its buffer zone between the rest of us and Iran.

While America seems loud, fat, rich, selfish, and controlling it is also friendly, compassionate for people, a safe haven for refugees, and a voice of reason. Our country is not a perfect one, nor is its government (obviously), but there is reason to love it.

It appears the world is being prepared for the largest war in history.  I pray that God saves me and my loved ones from enduring these things.  Hopefully they will not happen for decades.  Regardless, my prayers are God's protection from the worlds issues.

For those of you reading this who may not share my social and political views most of my resources are from liberal leaning sites.  This way my article has not been bias.

Be blessed and seek salvation from the Heavenly Father!